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How to Prepare for a New Babysitter

How to Prepare for a New Babysitter

Wondering how to prepare for a new babysitter? You’ve come to the right place.

Whether it is your first time leaving your kids or something you’ve done a hundred times, it can feel overwhelming to welcome a new babysitter into your home and your children’s lives.

It feels hard, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Knowing how to prepare for a new babysitter will make it so much easier to leave your children home with someone new. 

The secret is giving your new babysitter all the information needed upfront. The key here is the word “all.”

Don’t make the mistake of assuming your new babysitter will simply know what to do or what not to do. 

No two families are alike. For example, assume your sitter may babysit for another family with very different needs. If your sitter is good, s/he is probably in high demand with a number of different families with varying needs and preferences.

For example, you may have strict rules about screen time, while another family may feel comfortable letting their kids play video games the whole time they are out. 

How to prepare for a new babysitter comes down to leaving plenty of details about your home and your children, as well as discussing what is expected with the sitter before you leave the house.


When you’re ready to book a new sitter, post your first job free using code TREEHOUSE1FREE.



Preparing the Babysitter Info Sheet

How to prepare for a new babysitter starts with the basics. Use the SitterTree Babysitter Info to fill out the following information.

  • Contact Information
  • Important Phone Numbers
  • Allergies and Medications
  • House Rules
  • Bedtime Routine
  • Mealtime Do’s and Don’ts
  • Wi-Fi Info

You may want to add additional information, such as where to find first aid and emergency supplies

Save this document on your computer so you can update it as needed. 

It will always be ready when you have a new babysitter. 


Do a Walkthrough

Just like every family is different, every home is different. That’s why it is vital to do a quick walkthrough of your home with your new babysitter. 

Point out all the rooms and bathrooms, as well as which rooms are off-limits. Show your sitter the pantry and what snacks are available to the kids (and the sitter).

Make sure your sitter knows where the fire extinguisher and other emergency items, such as flashlights, are located.

And don’t forget to make sure your new babysitter knows where to find the first aid supplies. 


Discuss Relevant Details for Today’s Child Care Needs 

Before each new outing, make sure you provide your babysitter with the relevant details, including:

  • Where you are going,
  • When to expect you home, and
  • How to reach you if needed.

Keep in mind, your sitter may have plans after your job. Ask your sitter if s/he has a hard stop at the scheduled end time. This will make your sitter feel respected - and eliminate unnecessary frustration for everyone.

It is also wise to tell your sitter your communication expectations, such as “Please send me a chat me when the kids are in bed” or “I will be at a theater show and won’t be able to take calls until intermission.” 


Go Over Sitter Rules

In addition to providing your new babysitter with the rules of your home, you also need to cover the rules you have for your sitter. 

Sitter rules may include:

  • No friends over while watching your children.
  • No sleeping on the job.
  • No taking/posting pictures of your kids on social media.
  • No leaving the kids unattended.
  • No talking on the phone, going online, or watching TV until the kids are in bed.

The goal is to set clear expectations.


Babysitters and Clean Up

It’s important to have realistic expectations for clean up. 

You don’t want to come home to a house that is a much bigger mess than when you left it, but you also shouldn’t expect to come home to a house that looks like it has been professionally cleaned.

SitterTree sitters are responsible for cleaning up after all activities with your child(ren). However, they are not responsible for additional house-cleaning unrelated to activities they do with your children.

With that being said, it is wise to provide a bit of instruction, such as whether you want dishes placed in the sink or the dishwasher. 


Why Preparing a New Babysitter is Essential 

It can be easy to think your new babysitter provider doesn’t need all this information, but you’d be wrong.

It is always better to provide too much information than too little!

You don’t want your date interrupted by your sitter calling to ask you the types of things you could have already covered.

If you spend time today learning how to prepare for a new babysitter, you don’t have to scramble to put things together if your usual sitter can’t make it and you have to book someone last minute.

Most importantly, as much as we’d like to believe there will never be an emergency, there may be. You’ll feel much better knowing your sitter knows what to do in an emergency. 

Get started preparing with the SitterTree Babysitter Info. Fill out this form once and save it for future updates as needed.


Feel Confident Booking a New Babysitter Through SitterTree

The first step on how to prepare for a new babysitter is to start by finding a babysitter via SitterTree.

When you hire a babysitter or child care professional through SitterTree, you can rest assured that your child(ren) will be in safe, professional hands. 

There’s a reason why SitterTree babysitters have earned 98% 5-star ratings after nearly 70,000 jobs. You can trust ratings from other moms.


SitterTree requires all sitters to complete rigorous safety checks before even viewing available jobs. All sitters must clear a profile reviews, virtual sitter verification, and extensive background checks, including nationwide criminal, sex offender, and motor vehicle checks. Some sitters also opt to earn badges for advanced verification; such as, COVID Vaccination, CPR Certification, and Fingerprinting.

These aren’t run-of-the-mill sitters – these are top-of-the-line quality child care professionals.

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