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Job Bookings

Am I guaranteed to book jobs?

SitterTree does not guarantee work to any sitter nor require any sitter to work any job.  We recommend sitters apply to as many jobs as possible to increase the likelihood of being booked.


How will I know if I am booked for a job?

Turn on your notifications in your settings to receive an email, text, and/or push notification when you are booked for any job. Being booked for a job means a client has selected you and they are expecting you to arrive at the start time. Once booked, cancellation fees apply.


How do I confirm a job?

Once booked, confirm your job within 12 hours. Confirming a job is your chance to review your job details and confirm they are correct.  This provides your clients peace of mind knowing that you are starting off on the same page.


What if I don’t confirm my job?

Once booked, the job is yours and cancellation fees apply, even if you don't confirm the job details. Failing to confirm you job details within 12 hours may result in being removed from a job. Cancellation fees may apply.


How do I become a Favorite sitter?

Favorite sitters are preferred sitters selected by a family or group. Each family or group may have multiple Favorite sitters. Each time the family or group posts a job, their Favorite sitters have the option to receive a notification.


I am a Favorite sitter, so why didn’t I get the job?

Each family or group may select multiple Favorite sitters. If you receive a notification for a job but do not see the job listed in the app, the family or group may have already booked another sitter or canceled the job.


What if a family or group tries to schedule directly with me?

Families and groups pay a Finders Fee to continue booking sitters introduced on the app. Sitters benefit from booking jobs on the app. We recommend you confirm your availability and request the family or group post a job to book you through the app.


What if a family asks to meet me before a job?

Families and groups are encouraged to use the chat tool to communicate with sitters in advance of a job. Families booking a recurring sitter or nanny may prefer to meet in person. We recommend you ask them to scheduled an interview by posting a job on the app so you are paid for your time.


What’s expected of me on the job?

Sitters earn higher ratings (and are often selected as a Favorite sitter) for cleaning up after all activities, including meals, you participate in while at a family home or group facility. Go above and beyond by doing something extra around the house (i.e. fold a load of laundry) while the kids are sleeping. The SitterTree app is intended for booking your child care services. We suggest discussing and agreeing to additional services in advance of your job with the family or group.


How do ratings work?

Sitters, families, and groups may submit a rating after each job.  Families and groups are prompted to rate based upon their overall experience, on-time arrival, ability to follow directions, sitter-professional dress, communication, and engagement. Each sitter’s overall rating is an average of ratings from past jobs. Sitters must maintain a minimum 4.5 star rating to continue accessing the app.


Do sitters rate families and groups?

Yes. Providing detailed feedback can set you apart from other sitters. Leaving comments in your review is a great way to share about activities as well as note any challenges during your job. Reviews are also a great way to provide helpful hints to other sitters who may work for the family or group. You may choose to mark any review as private if you do not want the family or group to see it.


What is SitterTree Support?

SitterTree Support provides assistance to users as it relates to posting, booking, paying and receiving payment, and reviewing jobs on the app. SitterTree does not provide any direction or advise regarding how to carry out child care services.

