19,000+ reviews
Easier than booking your neighbor.
Post a job
Post jobs for date nights, while you work from home, and more. Even last-minute jobs!
Select a sitter
We'll send you a curated list of up to eight qualified sitters near you. Your Favorites will be at the top!
Pay and tip
No need to have cash. Pay and tip your sitter through our app. We'll even handle the taxes!
Safety is always a priority.
Your children matter more than anything in the world. When it comes to booking child care, you want the best. The SitterTree app is here to help you find it- every time.
Our sitters are
the best. Literally.
Take some well
deserved time off.
Serving greater
Atlanta since 2000
SitterTree began in a college dorm room in 2000. Jody Stephenson, a sophomore at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, was babysitting for two families. She spent consistent time with their children each week and soon felt like she was part of their families. At the same time, Jody was able to earn money for her college education.
Babysitting was more than a job for Jody. It was an opportunity to care for and build up each child she met. Soon, two families turned into 20 families, and by the time Jody graduated, her team of trusted Oglethorpe babysitters was serving 150 families in the Brookhaven area.
Since the beginning, SitterTree sitters have invested in thousands of children throughout our city and have developed long-lasting friendships. SitterTree continues to grow, but our vision remains: to build a trusted community of diverse sitters for families and churches.
We hope you’ll join us.
Meet the SitterTree Team
Together, we are changing the child care industry - with you in mind.
Founder + CEO
Group Sales Manager
Support Manager
Recruitment Specialist
Support Specialist
Support Specialist
Support Specialist
Screening Specialist
Screening Specialist
Proudly Serving Greater Atlanta Since 2000
Atlanta | Athens | Acworth | Alpharetta | Brookhaven | Buckhead | Chamblee | Cumming Doraville | Decatur | Duluth | Dunwoody | East Lake | East Point | Johns Creek | Kennesaw | Mableton | Marietta | Milton | Norcross | Peachtree City | Roswell | Sandy Springs | Stone Mountain | Smyrna | Snellville | Woodstock