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Tristan Ford-Hutchinson

babysitter with two boys completing a puzzle

Summer Creative Play Guide for School-Aged Children

By Tristan Ford-Hutchinson / May 28, 2019 / 0 Comments

Summer is almost here and soon your kids will be out of school! You may be wondering what to do with your kids while they are home for the summer. Here is your summer guide to creative play for your school-aged kids. Not only can you use this information for yourself, but it can be

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Screen Time Guidelines for Children 5 and Under

By Tristan Ford-Hutchinson / March 12, 2019 / 0 Comments

Today’s parents can often find themselves wondering how much screen time is too much. The ever-changing landscape of digital media can make it difficult for us to keep up with how much is too much and which type(s) of devices and content should our children be exposed to. Childhood is changing, especially when it comes

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Mom saying good-bye to babysitter and little boy.

5 Ways to Help Your Child with Separation Anxiety

By Tristan Ford-Hutchinson / January 29, 2019 / 0 Comments

Have you ever had a difficult time leaving your child with a babysitter, or perhaps during the morning drop off at school? Has your child ever clung to you, begged you to stay by their side, or cried when you went to leave? If yes, you are not alone. Many children struggle with separation from

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