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Do I have to complete a background check?

All sitters are required to complete background checks through Checkr. Checks include nationwide, sex offender, and motor vehicle checks. Sitters are responsible for the cost of their background check.

How are families screened?

SitterTree coordinators review each family profiles before approval and before a sitter may be assigned.  Families are not required to complete background checks.

General Safety Tips for Sitters
  • If you find yourself in any unexpected or uncomfortable situation, call the Assigning Coordinator.
  • Only accept jobs from SitterTree families booked directly on SitterTree's site. 
  • Only accept payment through SitterTree's site. 
  • Phone a friend - share the times and location of your jobs with a trusted friend.
  • If there is an unexpected house guest, use your discretion. If you feel in danger, call 9-1-1.
  • If you see something, say something by reviewing your job within 24 hours of completing.  
  • If you feel your life is in danger at any time, exit the house and call 9-1-1.

